A Theatrical Plan

Did you know that you can buy a ticket to go to the Tony Awards? Like, just go to Ticketmaster and get yourself a ticket? No nomination needed? Me neither! But it turns out you can. This has my wheels turning.
I love awards shows and, next to the Oscars, this is my favorite. You get great performances, heartfelt speeches, a true sense of artistic community and, lately, Neil Patrick Harris as Host! All. Good.
So, it has been decided. Next year, I am going to the Tonys!
But let’s make it even more interesting. Between now and then, I have decided to see a Broadway show every month so that I will be an educated attendee. This will give me the impetus to go to the city I love and nourish my soul with, perhaps, my favorite activity. I will be sure to tell you all about it, of course!
Twelve shows in twelve months, a ticket to one of the best events of the year and, in the meantime, a lot of shopping for the perfect dress. Win, Win, Win!
Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
3 Responses to “A Theatrical Plan”
[…] true to my Theatrical Plan to see a show a month, I went the city on Saturday to get in my September viewing. Since there was […]
[…] June I made a pact with myself to see one Broadway show a month for a year (you can read about that here). All of this as a lead up to this season’s Tony Awards, which I plan to attend on June 8th. As […]
[…] year I made a plan to see a show every month and then go to the Tony awards. It was a project chosen to celebrate my […]
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