A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Tonys

Last year I made a plan to see a show every month and then go to the Tony Awards. It was a project chosen to celebrate my love of theatre and give myself an adventure. I did it just for me. But, as it has turned out, I have not been alone on this journey!
Most of the shows I saw by myself, but when I had company it was the best company! Jesse, my love, joined me for several and each time we turned it into a full New York experience: dinner and a show and sometimes even a movie too (My Dad would be so proud!) One of those times we had the pleasure of his Aunt & Uncle’s company, finally having the date we’d long talked about. My Sister came in last November and we saw two joyous musicals, giggling and clapping our way through them as only we can! A dear friend and cousin-in-law had some comp tickets for one show and let me be her date!
As the Big Night approached, the Big Question became: what am I going to wear? I am not a fashion maven. Putting a full outfit together; shoes, accessories and all, totally intimidates me. But I needn’t have worried. To my delight and surprise I had a full crew of fashion consultants! One friend offered me her credit for Rent The Runway, if I wanted to go that route. Co-workers sat with me as I searched for dresses online. My Mom came to town and accompanied me for the preliminary shopping outing. One of my best friends helped me narrow it down to two and suggested I buy them both and return one later to give me time to decide. Brilliant!
The final decision could have been tricky if left to own devices, but no. Last week I asked my dance clients to come to class early so I could model the dresses for them and get their input. Well! Not only did they warm my heart with their enthusiasm, they were amazing experts and made my decision easy and exciting. And THEN, as the week progressed I got wraps, opera glasses, necklaces, handbags, earrings and bracelets. Their own personal items that might work with the dress, willingly lent to me with no pressure and lots of love. How fun is that? I am so touched by their generosity.
And the joy! When I mention that I am going to the Tony Awards I get the best reactions. People are so into it! Their excitement makes me more excited. That has been best parts of this whole thing. Because the truest joy of anything in life, is the ability to share it.
Technically, I am going to the Tonys by myself. But I will not be alone. I will have a piece of every single person who has participated in my adventure with me. We are ALL going to Radio City Music Hall Sunday night. I can not wait to tell you all about it!
One Response to “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Tonys”
So glad you got there and had a blast! I caught NPH’s Hedwig segment; outtasite! You were meant to be there… everything aligned just right.
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