Love is All Around

Much has been said of the divisiveness permeating our Country today. Yes, it is there and it is unsettling. But there is something else I am noticing in the past few weeks: a desire for connection.
I am meeting more eyes as I walk through town. I want to smile at you and I feel like you want to smile at me too. We want to connect, even just for a moment. I feel this pull to share what is best in me … love.
I believe love reigns supreme. This belief is not born of religion or politics. No one told me so, no one taught me so, it is simply my truth. It doesn’t come with rules or exclusions, love is love. And when I move from a place of love I see it all around.
This does not blind me to hate. I see that too. Mostly when people try to control how other people love or decree who is entitled to love. This behavior wounds me, all of us. But instead of diminishing the love – it emboldens it. I see that all around; love standing strong. Do you see it too?
I see it more clearly when I engage in things I love to do. Even if they are seemingly inconsequential. Sure, I’m bolstered by my work. I’m filled up when in the presence of my loved ones. But I also get a boost when I laugh out loud or see a great film or dance in my bedroom or rock a category on Jeopardy. Simple joys have a real impact of my energy reserves. I feel better and so I love better.
Love is fearless and fervent. Love is passionate and soothing. Love is silly and inviting.
In the words of the Mary Tyler Moore theme song:
Love is all around no need to waste it … you’re gonna make it after all!
Go be in love. Be it and seek it in ways big and small. If we stand in our love and act accordingly, I think we really are gonna make it after all.